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(based on AWANA curriculum)


Fall Semester Starts Wednesday, August 18th

If you are familiar with AWANA, then you are familiar with traditional AWANA game time.  We have replaced the traditional game time with options to engage kids with their own interests.  Below is a listing of electives:



The following electives are offered at the Rock Spring campus: 




This elective is designed to help children create great-looking projects that they can enjoy at home. This elective is limited to 20 kids per session, a total of 40 per night. The kids take pride in seeing their work and enjoy sharing it with their family. 




This elective offers guitar skills for beginners. Kids will advance in their guitar skills to intermediate and advanced. This elective is limited to 10 kids per session, a total of 20 per night. You may provide your own guitar or purchase one for $75. The lesson book is $20. 




This elective allows students to learn new songs with movement and basic music lessons. This elective is limited to 25 kids per session, a total of 50 per night.


The following elective are offered at the Rock Spring and Rossville campus: 




We have a high energy game time that features games like relays and team sports. There is no cost and no size limit on this elective. 




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