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the reality of the resurrection

1 CORINTHIANS 15:50-58

“I’ve got good news and bad news, which would you like first?”


Most of us have been asked this before. Regardless of how you answer, the person asking the question hopes the good news will somehow soften the blow of the bad news. We often let something good help shape our perspective of the bad or monotonous things in life. We set countdowns for events like weddings and vacations. We look ahead to cheat meals during a long week of dieting. Exhausted students occasionally think about graduation which marks the end of papers and reading. The Spirit-inspired authors of scripture utilize the same line of thinking, things may be bad now, but one day they’ll get infinitely better. Envisioning the good transforms your perspective of the bad.


Paul has just finished answering a variety of objections surrounding the resurrection of the dead. Apparently many members of the church at Corinth began to question the truthfulness of the concept of resurrection from the dead. After explaining the necessity of Christ’s resurrection for the Christian faith and offering helpful information about the process and glorified bodies, Paul speaks to the spiritual weight of the resurrection for believers.


Not all believers will experience physical death but all believers will be changed. In a moment’s time, we will receive glorified, immortal, eternal bodies. Those who have died before Christ’s return can cry out, “death where is your victory?”. Those who have escaped death via Christ’s return can cry out, “death where is your sting?”. Paul concludes with instructing believers to be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the Lord’s work. Be steadfast and immovable in activity and convictions. Be steadfast and immovable with the gospel and biblical truths like the resurrection. Busy yourself with the Lord’s work by remembering that work done for the cause of Christ has eternal kingdom impact. THIS should be the dominating focus of our lives, but instead we’re weighed down with worry about the uncontrollable and the hypothetical.


A foundational principle in declaring war on worry requires burning biblical principles into our minds with an impact that makes way for truth to speak louder than our thoughts. Our assurance of salvation must be thought of together with the final aspect of our salvation, the resurrection. The reality of our future resurrection must come to bear on our present worries. Our worries are temporary. The cause of our worries are temporary. Most importantly, the worst circumstance of this life, that is any circumstance so bad it takes our life, marks the beginning of a perfect eternity with Jesus. Allow the best to color the bad. We can boldly declare war on our worries by believing that the worst thing that can happen to us will mark the beginning of the best thing that will ever happen to us.


1 Corinthians 15:55-57
"O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law; but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."


  1. Am I resting in the reality of the resurrection?

  2. Have I considered the temporary nature of the cause of my worries in light of my eternity?

  3. Do I really believe that the worst circumstance I can experience will mark the beginning of my eternity with Jesus?

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