Everything you need to know to plan your first visit
You can expect a warm and welcoming environment at each of our Peavine campuses.
We have reserved first-time guest parking near the main entrance at our Rock Spring campus. Greeters at both of our campuses will gladly help you find your way.
Our services typically last 60-75 minutes.
We provide kids ministry for children birth-5th grade.
People usually wear what feels comfortable for them. That can be anything from jeans to a suit.
Our worship combines elements of traditional and contemporary worship.
Maybe you’ve been a few times but you’d like to ask a few questions, tour the property, or connect with some staff and leaders. Schedule your visit now and we will:
Help familiarize you with our campus
Help you get your kids checked in to inZone Discovery (birth-3 years old), inZone Junior (4 years old-kindergarten), or inZone Kids (1st-5th graders)​
Help you get connected with a small group.
So, schedule your visit right now. We can’t wait to meet you.